Land-Line Bill Amount of Nepal Telecom

Hi Friends!
Thanks for watching
Today I want to show you how to check your pending Land-Line Bill Amount of Nepal Telecom.
Follow the given instruction and you will know how much you have to pay.

Dial 1606
After that computerized voice was appearing and first it ask to choose 1 for English and 2 for Nepali Language.
After selecting Language it asked for Land-Line Bill or Toll Free Bill i.e. 1 for Land-Line and 2 for Toll free Number.
After selecting types of phone it asked for monthly bill or total bill amount i.e. 1 for monthly bill amount and 2 for total pending bill amount.
After choosing your option your number is being flashed and after that total pending bill amount or monthly bill amount is being known from your own Land-Line phone.
To see video about this just click on given link


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